Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Modern motor vessel built with the most advanced naval technologies, equipped with electronic navigation instruments. Structured on two bridges.
Year of costruction: 1998
Length mt. 28,70 - Width mt. 7,05 - Tsl 38,13
Toilets, bar, small kitchen, 2-monitor video system, voice and music system.
Consorzio Liguria Via Mare’s boats have the ISM Certification - the International Safety Management Code - issued by RINA and the Italian Coast Guard, and are thereby authorised to navigate in sea up to 20 miles deep and carry out whale watching activities. Consorzio Liguria Via Mare confirms that the motorboats used in their tours are all covered by insurance and RCA from leading insurance companies and are subject to periodic inspections by the Maritime Authority as well as certified by the Registro Italiano Navale.
We offer embarkation and disembarkation assistance services for people with disabilities.
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